Here's a (hopefully) resourceful page you can refer to in regards to learning Korean. We've taken tips from:

  • Language Interpretation and Translation Major student(s)
  • Teacher(s) with 10+ years of Korean Language experience in California high school(s)
  • Teacher(s) with 10+ years of Foreign Language experience in California universit(ies)y
TIPS for beginners with minimal knowledge of Korean (or any language) that plan on self-learning:

Disclaimer: These are actual tips recommended by the students and teachers we have gratefully received all this information from! Some students learned at home, some took classes at school. All teachers that have helped us out are actual Korean/Foreign Language teachers at schools.

  • Be willing to learn Korean. Learning a whole new language, understanding its culture, etc. doesn't happen in the course of a few days or weeks. It takes a lot of time and dedication, know what you're signing up for!
  • Have a friend who's fluent in Korean keep tabs on you! If you feel like you will burden them, try to give them something back in return (doesn't have to always be money). It's always great to have someone that's more experienced than you to guide you through the right path.
  • Watch Korean shows with subtitles! If you're not a big fan of learning through the textbook, try watching shows with different formats and genres that will broaden your understanding. 
  • Have a notebook with you and write down everything. Keeping a record is always helpful, no matter how confident you are in memorizing the material. Write down vocabulary, grammar, dialogue, etc. anything that will help you.
  • Don't rush yourself. Don't feel pressured. Learning a whole new language, especially at a stage in life where your brain is almost fully developed, is not easy. Everybody has their own pace at which they learn. If you give yourself time, you will eventually see progress.

Disclaimer: These are actual resources used by the students and teachers we have gratefully received all this information from! Some students learned at home, some took classes at school. All teachers that have helped us out are actual Korean/Foreign Language teachers at schools.

  • Koreanclass101 - 7 day free trial, $10/month after free trial
    • Student tip! Don't be intimidated by the monetary value. Take a risk if you really are willing to learn the language. The website is very helpful for raw beginners.
  • Quick Korean by Korea Cyber Univesity - free!
    • Student tip! A useful resource, could get kind of boring. A great visual learning setting.
  • Talk to Me in Korean - free!
    • Popular online resource with complete lesson for beginning~intermediate level learners. (thank you @hwangperor)
  • Dynamic Korean - textbook fee on website
    • Widely used in Southern California High Schools.
  • Spoken World - textbook fee on website
    • Widely used in California Universities.
  • Living Language - Korean - textbook fee on website
    • Widely used in California Universities.
  • Naver Dictionary - worldwide access!
    • Very useful online dictionary that covers almost every definition of a word, idiom, and has a translation site that is arguably the best one online at the moment. (Highly recommended to use over Google or

    We hope that this page was a good starter or at least an encouraging resource for you! We wish you luck in learning the Korean Language. We would like to thank all students and teachers for the wonderful tips and resources, whether you may see this or not 🙈

    July 20, 2017


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