Saturday, July 22, 2017

[PANN] LOVEs! Hello, I am Youngmin's fan Cherry Tomato!!

LOVEs, I'm Youngmin's fan Cherry Tomato, and this is the first time I visited the NU'EST fantalk channel! I always liked Jonghyun, Dongho, Minhyun, and Minki, I like that they had interactions with Youngmin even if it was caught by nano-seconds on cameraㅠㅠ

Jonghyun and Youngmin who stuck together during the concert and last episode

Youngmin and Dongho who were together during the last episode waiting room and even whispering in each other's ears during the concert

Youngmin taking Minhyun with him down the stage

And lastly, embarrassed Youngmin who hid into Minki after dancing the alpaca dance
Ah and on the day after the last episode, Youngmin was seen taking a picture of Minki's subway ad, it's from Twitter!!

I heard NU'EST is releasing a new song, I'm so excited
I hope NU'EST and Youngmin both become successful!!
I will always support NU'EST and LOVEs♡

[+106, -0] 

[+27, -0] I will yell loudly once again, BRANDNUEST!!!!!!!!!

[+25, -0] 95 lineㅠㅠ I heard (Youngmin) is debuting soon!! Congratulations!! NU'EST don't have that many celebrity friends, so they would always be in the waiting room by themselves, but now that I think about them having friends when they go to the music broadcasts, I get excited!! I hope you are happy that Youngmin also has a celebrity friend to be with~!! Let's all gain strength together!!!

[+24, -0] Bangto... why is the word bangto so cute... (t/n: Bangto is a shortened version of 'Bangul Tomato' which is Cherry Tomato, which seems to be the name of Youngmin fans!)

[+7, -0] Cherry Tomatoes❤️ Thank you for coming all the way here❤️❤️ I heard Youngmin and Donghyun were debuting in August!! I'm really really excited! I will always support you (Personally want BRANDNUEST to do a collaboration stageㅎㅎ

[+7, -0] I . . When Dongho picked Youngmin for Open Up. . I liked it when he complimented him saying he's also good at dancingㅋ I was like he calls him Youngmin? (informally) Are they close? And Youngmin and Dongho held hands when he got picked and when they were going to discuss who else to pick, Dongho goes like waitㅎ to Youngmin and he nods and smiles, I liked it so much NU'EST♥Youngmin interactions Wantchu

[+6, -0] Thank you~~ I heard Youngmin is debuting soon, I hope he becomes successful I will support him!!

[+6, -0] Since they're the same age they were probably close
But MNET hid themㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
I hope they all do well!


July 22, 2017


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