Saturday, August 19, 2017

[PANN] NU'EST repaying their fans hearts are awesome..

Today, NU'EST had a special broadcast. It was a broadcast that was not planned, and they prepared mood lamps that had what they wanted to say together with breakfast (for the fans) ㄷㄷ Because they thought fans would be sad for not having light sticks, I can feel how much they treasure their fans. I have a favorable impression of NU'EST, may things get even better for them

[+1648, -34]

original post

[+508, -9] Hello, this is NU'EST fan-talk. Today was a very happy day for us, thank you so much for celebrating it with us! The words on the mood lamps were personally written by the members, and they offered sandwich lunch boxes to the fans after their 1st round of recording. Because 'If You' originally was not scheduled for any performances, today's performance may also possibly be the (first and) last one, but the songs that NU'EST will release in the future and the songs that NU'EST have released in the past will continue so please give it lots of interest. Once again, thank you!

[+416, -2] These sort of things are nice to see, but for a singer, as expected, it has got to be the performance! I watched them on TV today and they were so handsome and they sang so well, I was surprised

[+401, -2] If they wrote it personally, wow..

August 19, 2017


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